

Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "hesli" в других словарях:

  • HESLI — pater Nahum, patris Amos. Luc. c. 3. v. 25 …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Thomas E. Latimer — (1879 ndash;1937) was an American lawyer who served as the Minnesota Farmer Labor Party mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota from 1935 to 1937. His mayoral term coincided with a period of labor unrest in the city. Prior to that, Latimer worked as a… …   Wikipedia

  • Bibliography — INTRODUCTION The number of books dedicated to the late Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and its successor state, the Russian Federation, is virtually incalculable. This surfeit is due to a number of factors: Russia’s geographic size and …   Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation

  • Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… …   Universalium

  • Russian presidential election, 2000 — Russian presidential elections were held on March 26, 2000. Incumbent, Prime Minister, and acting President Vladimir Putin, who had succeeded Boris Yeltsin on his resignation December 31, 1999, was seeking a four year term in his own right and… …   Wikipedia

  • Genealogy of Jesus — Rose window in Basilica of St Denis, France, depicting the ancestors of Christ from Jesse onwards …   Wikipedia

  • Russian legislative election, 1999 — Legislative elections were held in the Russian Federation on December 19 1999. At stake were the 450 seats in the State Duma (Gosudarstvennaya Duma), the lower house of the Federal Assembly of Russia (The legislature).To secure a place on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Stammbaum Christi — Die Vorfahren des Jesus von Nazaret überliefert das Neue Testament der Bibel als listenartige Stammlinie meist der Väter (fälschlich als Stammbaum bezeichnet) in zwei Versionen. Beide betonen Jesu Herkunft aus dem erwählten Gottesvolk Israel.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Stammbaum Jesu — Die Vorfahren des Jesus von Nazaret überliefert das Neue Testament der Bibel als listenartige Stammlinie meist der Väter (fälschlich als Stammbaum bezeichnet) in zwei Versionen. Beide betonen Jesu Herkunft aus dem erwählten Gottesvolk Israel.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Vorfahren Jesu — Jessebaum Deckengemälde in der St. Michael Kirche, Hildesheim Die Vorfahren des Jesus von Nazaret überliefert das Neue Testament der Bibel als listenartige Stammlinie meist der Väter (fälschlich als Sta …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Najum (profeta) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Nahúm (en hebreo Najum) fue un profeta menor originario de Galilea que escribió el Libro de Nahúm, uno de los libros del Antiguo Testamento. Es el séptimo profeta según la lista tradicional de doce profetas menores.… …   Wikipedia Español

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